添加时间:二是对外投资行业结构持续优化。数据显示,1—5月,对外投资主要流向租赁和商务服务业、制造业、采矿业以及批发和零售业,占比分别为29.9%、15% 、12.3%和7.6%。“这对于推动中国国内以及东道国的经济结构调整和产业提质升级,都将发挥积极作用。”
问题十一:回到透明度问题上,您是否愿意将知情同意书和您的稿件发布在一个公共论坛上,以便可以在biorxiv.org或知情同意书公共网站上进行审阅,以便业内能够详细阅读您所做的工作?Back to transparency, would you be willing to post the informed consent and your manuscript in a public forum so it could be reviewed such as on biorxiv.org or a public website for informed consent so that the community can read in detail what you have done?
The first question was whether CCR5 is an unmet medical need. I actually believe that this is not just for this case, but for millions of children. They need this protection. HIV vaccine is not available. I personally experience with some people in AIDS where 30% of a village people are infected. They even have to give their children to relatives and uncles to raise just to prevent potential transmission. For this specific case, I feel proud. I feel proudest, because they had lost hope for life. But with this protection, he sent a message saying he will work hard, earn money, and take care of his two daughters and his wife for this life.